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Terms & conditions

Welcome to the website. This website is owned and operated by CEVA ANIMAL HEALTH, LLC, 8735 Rosehill Road, Lenexa, Kansas 66215 (“CEVA”).

Visitors to this website are bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before proceeding. For the purposes of these terms and conditions, “this website” means the website, which may link to other CEVA websites.

Other CEVA websites may contain terms and conditions which are different from these terms and conditions. On your journey around the website, please check the terms and conditions of each website which you visit and do not assume that these terms and conditions apply to all CEVA websites.

CEVA means CEVA ANIMAL HEALTH, LLC or its parent company CEVA SANTE ANIMALE S.A. or any other CEVA affiliates or subsidiaries. In this website we may sometimes use “CEVA”, “we” or “us” when we refer to CEVA companies in general or where no useful purpose is served by identifying any particular CEVA company.

This website may include links to external websites. When you follow such links the external website may appear as a full screen (in which case you will need to use the back button on your browser to return to this website) or in some cases it may appear within the frame of this website (in which case you will be able to return to this website by using the navigation buttons within the frame). Where an external website appears within the frame of this website, this is purely for ease of navigation back to this website and does not indicate any responsibility on our part for the external website concerned, even if it is a website owned and operated by another CEVA company. These links are provided in order to help you find relevant websites, services and/or products which may be of interest to you quickly and easily. It is your responsibility to decide whether any services and/or products available through any of these websites are suitable for your purposes. CEVA is not responsible for the owners or operators of these websites or for any goods or services they supply or for the content of their websites and does not give or enter into any conditions, warranties or other terms or representations in relation to any of these or accept any liability in relation to any of these (including any liability arising out of any claim that the content of any external website to which this website includes a link infringes the intellectual property rights of any third party).

All information or advice provided as part of this website is intended to be general in nature and you should not rely on it in connection with the making of any decision. CEVA tries to ensure that all information provided as part of this website is correct at the time of inclusion on the website but does not guarantee the accuracy of such information. CEVA is not liable for any action you may take as a result of relying on such information or advice or for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of you taking this action.

CEVA reserves the right to monitor any information transmitted or received through any forum provided. CEVA, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, may at any time review, remove or otherwise block any material posted.

Should any part of this site offer you the opportunity to join in or read from a forum, please be aware that any communications posted on the forum represent the views of the individual who posted such communication and are not to be taken as the views of CEVA. CEVA accepts no responsibility or liability for anything posted on the forum by any user of the forum and you must not use the forum to post, upload, or otherwise transmit information or pictures that are defamatory, a breach of privacy or otherwise unlawful.

Terms and Conditions
This website contains material including text, photographs and other images and sound, which is protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. All copyright and other intellectual property rights in this material are either owned by CEVA or have been licensed to it by the owner(s) of those rights so that it can use this material as part of this website.

This website also contains trademarks, including the trademark “Vectra”. All trademarks included on this website belong to CEVA or have been licensed to it by the owner(s) of those trade marks for use on this website.

You may:

  • Access any part of the website, unless a password is requested;
  • Print off one copy of any or all of the pages for your own personal reference.

You may not:

  • Copy (whether by printing off onto paper, storing on disk, downloading or in any other way), distribute (including distributing copies), broadcast, alter or tamper with in any way or otherwise use any material contained in the website except as set out under “You may”. These restrictions apply in relation to all or part of the material on the website;
  • Remove any copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property notices contained in the original material from any material copied or printed from the website;
  • Link to this website;

without our express written consent.

If you wish to provide a hypertext or other link to this website, please contact the website editor ( with details of:

  • the URL(s) of the web page(s) from which you are proposing to link to this website;
  • the URL(s) of the web page(s) on this website to which you are proposing to link

and we will consider your request. It is our decision as to whether we agree to your request and we do not have to do so.

Changes to Terms and Conditions
CEVA may change the terms and conditions and disclaimer set out above from time to time. By browsing this website you are accepting that you are bound by the current terms and conditions and disclaimer and you should check these each time you revisit the website.

Changes to/Operation of Website
CEVA may change the format and content of this website at any time. CEVA may suspend the operation of this website for support or maintenance work, in order to update the content or for any other reason. CEVA reserves the right to terminate access to this website at any time and without notice.

Data Protection
Personal details provided to CEVA through this website will only be used in accordance with our privacy policy provided below. Please read this carefully before proceeding. By providing your personal details to us you are consenting to their use in accordance with our privacy policy.

Complaints Procedure
If you have a question or complaint about this website, please contact the website Editor at:

These terms and conditions are governed by and to be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Kansas. In the event of any dispute arising in relation to these terms and conditions or any dispute arising in relation to the website whether in contract or tort or otherwise the Kansas courts will have non-exclusive jurisdiction over such dispute.

Privacy policy
We respect the privacy of everyone who visits this site. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully so that you can understand how we collect and use the personal information that you provide to us.

By submitting your personal data to us, you will be treated as having given your permission for disclosures referred to in this policy.

What does this privacy policy cover?
This privacy policy covers our use of your personal information which is collected through or in connection with this site. For the purposes of this policy, “this site” means the website, which links to other CEVA websites.

Other CEVA websites may contain privacy policies which are different from this privacy policy. This privacy policy relates to the website. On your journey around the CEVA websites please check the privacy policy of each website you visit and do not assume that this privacy policy applies to all CEVA websites.

Who is responsible for the personal information collected on this site?
CEVA controls the personal data collected on this site.

Special Notice – if you are under 13 years old
If you are under 13 years old, please do not send us your personal information (for example, your name, address and email address). If you are under 13 years old and you wish to ask a question or use this site in anyway which requires you to submit your personal information, please get your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf.

Information collection and use
We may collect and use personal information (including name, address, telephone number and email) in order to:

  • respond to queries or requests submitted by you,
  • process orders or applications submitted by you,
  • administer or otherwise carry out our obligations in relation to any agreement you have with us,
  • anticipate and resolve problems with any goods or services supplied to you,
  • create products or services that may meet your needs.

Except as set out in this privacy policy, we will not disclose any personally identifiable information without your permission unless we are legally entitled or required to do so (for example, if required to do so by legal process or for the purposes of prevention of fraud or other crime) or if we believe that such action is necessary to protect and/or defend our rights, property or personal safety and those of our users/customers etc.

Providing you with additional information and sharing your information
From time to time we would like to use your personal information for purposes other than as set out in the above section. We believe that these additional uses will be of benefit to you. However, we understand that you may not wish us to use your information in this way. We will not use your information for the purposes set out below unless you have positively consented to us using your information in this way when submitting the information or later and have not subsequently opted out. Additionally, if at any time you wish us to stop using your information for any or all of the below purposes, please let us know. We will stop the use of your information for such purposes as soon as it is reasonably possible to do so. In such case we will, however, continue to use your personal data for the purposes set out in the above section for as long as it is reasonable to do so.

From time to time we may like to use the information you supply to us for:

  • market research and tracking of sales data
  • informing you about our products and services, which may include contacting you by telephone
  • giving the information to CEVA affiliate offices and companies, which may be located outside the USA, to enable them to send you information which may be of interest to you.

Use of your information by affiliatesThis site and the services offered on this site may be transferred to one of our affiliated companies in the future either as part of a group restructuring or otherwise. We may therefore transfer your personal information to any affiliated company that in the future owns or operates this site or the services available on this site but such company shall use your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy at all times.

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affilates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties. This includes affiliate or business partners the Opt in is not transferable to another party involved in their process.

Collection of non-personal information
We may automatically collect non-personal information about you such as the type of internet browsers you use or the website from which you linked to our site. We may also aggregate details which you have submitted to the site (for example, your age and the town where you live). You cannot be identified from this information and it is only used to assist us in providing an effective service on this website. We may from time to time supply third parties with this non-personal or aggregated data for uses in connection with this site.

The use of cookies
We may store some information (commonly known as a “cookie”) on your computer when you look at our site. We are able to read these cookies for information purposes when you revisit our website. The type of information we collect as a result of a cookie being accepted by you is specific to your PC and includes the IP address, the date and time the PC visited the website, what parts of our website were looked at and whether the web pages requested were delivered successfully. This information is anonymous; it represents a computer rather than a person.

We use the cookie information to improve our knowledge of the use of our website and to enable us to be able to ascertain whether the website is operating at an optimal level. This allows us to enhance our web offerings to you and to provide an enjoyable and an innovative online experience.

You can erase or block this information by changing the settings on your computer (please refer to your help screens or manuals). If you do erase or block this information you may not be able to utilize some features of the site.

E-mail, [Feedback] and Forum Facilities
If at any time this site offers any e-mail, [feedback] or forum facilities, we may collect the information which you disclose. Such information will be used in accordance with this privacy policy.

Keeping your records accurate
We aim to keep our information about you as accurate as possible. If you would like to review or change the details you have supplied us with, please contact us as set out below.

Security of your personal data
We have implemented technology and policies with the objective of protecting your privacy from unauthorized access and improper use and will update these measures as new technology becomes available, as appropriate.

Use of your personal information submitted to other websites
We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other websites even if:

  • you accessed the third party website using links from our website; or
  • you linked to our website from a third party website.

We recommend that you check the policy of each site you visit and contact the owner or operator of such websites if you have any concerns or questions.

Will this privacy policy change?
From time to time we may make changes to this privacy policy. If we make any substantial changes to this privacy policy and the way in which we use your personal data we will post these changes on this page and will do our best to notify you of any significant changes. Please check our privacy policy on a regular basis.

How can you contact us?
If at any time you would like to contact us about our privacy policy, you can do so by emailing us at

Patent Marking and Notice
This Internet posting is intended to serve as notice under 35 USC § 287(a).

Vectra products may be covered by one or more of the following patents, patent applications or design patents, as well as other corresponding foreign patents. Ceva Animal Health/Ceva Santé Animale does not mark all of its patents. By listing various patents herein, Ceva Animal Health/Ceva Santé Animale makes no admission that other relevant patents do not exist. Additional U.S. and foreign patents may apply and additional applicable patent applications may be pending in the U.S. and outside the U.S.

Patented Vectra may be sold individually or as a part of another product or device, and the listed patents would apply in both cases.

U.S. patent number: US7906535

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Read before use. DO NOT USE VECTRA® 3D ON CATS.
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